Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Case of Arrested Development?

UGH! It's almost 3 in the afternoon. Today Jill emerged from her room at an astounding 11:30 am (AM! This is the earliest I've observed in a while...). I may have had something to do with that though. Around 10 I heard a knock and the door and didn't answer it, knowing that her room is right above the door and this would compel her to get up. 
Anyway: I have the full series of Arrested Development on DVD in the living room, and the past couple weeks Jill has been watching it all day. Now, I don't mind my roommates watching my dvds, that's why I leave them out. What I DO mind is when they take the box sets down, open them up, take the dvd they want out, and leave the box and other dvds lying around on the floor. I must have put them away 3 times this week alone. One of those times was the morning, and low and behold, she's watching it again and AGAIN it's on the floor! ARGH!!! 


A said...

To stick with your theme (which may, or may not have been false constructed just so you could make an arrested development joke): I don't want to blame it all on 9/11, but it certainly didn't help.

Unknown said...

You mean MY Arrested Development DVDs, you moron!